R. E. West Thanks Our Military Veterans
At R. E. West, we are committed to helping our military veterans succeed. Their sacrifices for our country have brought with them a level of experience and expertise that simply can't be found anywhere else. We are proud to offer several programs to aid these heroes in their transition to a new career as a professional truck driver.
Veterans' Affairs On-The-Job Training Program
Take Advantage of your G.I. Benefits while getting paid to train
Starting in 2018, R. E. West has become a proud participant in the VA's OJT (sometimes called VA Apprenticeship) program. This program allows veterans who have G. I. Bill benefits available to receive a stipend from the government while they train as a professional truck driver. R. E. West one of only a hand full of trucking companies in Tennessee that are able to offer this program to our employees. Be sure to speak with one of our recruiters about this exciting program and for help to determine your eligibility.
$5000 Sign-On Incentive for Military Veterans
We have a special incentive for any of our applicants who have served their country with honor. Over the course of your first year at R. E. West, we will pay you an extra $5000. This offer is extended to anyone who has served, regardless of time out of the service; the only qualification is the production of a copy of your DD-214 showing an honorable discharge.
Welcome Home
R. E. West is the proud employer of over forty former members of our armed services. We offer support and stability that you are used to with the freedom to be your own boss with the open road before you. We would be honored if you would consider joining our work family. Thank you.